As supporters you can now purchase items to donate directly to the rescue group listed, and we will ship it to them free of charge, on your behalf.
About The Rescue:
Auckland Puppy Rescue was started in early 2014, and became a registered NZ charitable trust shortly after.
Although there are a number of dog rescue groups in New Zealand, we saw a need for an organisation dedicated to puppies from newborn to 12 months of age.
We are also passionate about desexing dogs to decrease the amount of unwanted puppies being born.
Our team is made up of a small number of volunteers, who work hard to save puppies as well as working full time jobs and studying.
We have a network of fosterers and supporters who help us with additional hands-on tasks.
We also network with a large number of other rescue organisations across New Zealand.
Once a puppy comes on board, we foster them with families who are given all the food, supplies and support they need to get the puppy happy and healthy before being rehomed to carefully screened adopters.
We ensure all our puppies have received vet checks, full vaccinations, worm and flea treatment, and have been desexed, microchipped and registered before adoption
To visit Auckland Puppy Rescue's website click
How To Donate:
Want to donate your entire cart?
At the check out select "Donate to Rescue" and use the drop down bar to select "Auckland Puppy Rescue". We will then ship your entire order directly to them free of charge!
If you are donating 1 - 2 items along side your own order:
Just write in the comments section at checkout which items you want sent directly to Auckland Puppy Rescue and we will get those sent out free of charge as well!
Thank you for donating!!