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As supporters you can now purchase items to donate directly to the rescue group listed, and we will ship it to them free of charge, on your behalf.

About The Rescue:

Christchurch Bull Breed Rescue provides temporary shelter, food, medical attention, and comfort to neglected and rejected dogs. 
We seek out new homes for these dogs and try to educate the public about the humane care of dogs. 
We consider the unique needs of all the dogs in our care and work compassionately to prepare a safe, appropriately socialised dog for a wonderful new life. 
Through our de-sexing program we try to help prevent dogs ending up in shelters, we do this by de-sexing the dogs in our community producing unwanted litters. 
Our aim is to reduce the population of unwanted, neglected, and abused bull breed dogs by preventing at risk dogs from producing litters. 
We approach owners, work with locals and councils to find at risk dogs, as well as helping lower income families ensure they are not adding to the problem by offering payment plans and heavily discounted procedures.

Check out the dogs up for adoption, and the amazing work that they do here:

How To Donate:

Want to donate your entire cart? 
At the check out select "Donate to Rescue" and use the drop down bar to select "Christchurch Bull Breed Rescue". We will then ship your entire order directly to them free of charge! 

If you are donating 1 - 2 items along side your own order:
Just write in the comments section at checkout which items you want sent directly to Christchurch Bull Breed Rescue and we will get those sent out free of charge as well! 

Thank you for donating!!